Find Your Fantastic

We synergize the art of self-care with the science of health care to empower individuals with the knowledge, habits, and actions needed to beat disease by optimizing emotional wellness, cellular health, and physical function.

Denise Kuhn Bio picture

Who I Am

I am Denise Kuhn,

Owner of Kuhntastic Health and a 20 year veteran of the Rehabilitation Industry.

I evaluate the physical structure and how it relates to pain, movement, and  physical dysfunction.  From the evaluation, I  devise a treatment plan to optimize physical function. Based on the evaluation and treatment plan, I can manually treat physical structure, educate on corrective habits, and create exercise prescriptions to facilitate improvement. Additionally, I can supervise physical therapy assistants and technicians who can assist me in delivering care.

Kuhntastic Health: Synergize to Mask yourself first

The time for a mask is now. But what type of mask should we use? Halloween? Masquerade? Mud? All joking aside, I’m not talking N-95 or vaccines, I am talking about the type of mask that drops from the ceiling when an emergency situation ensues. I’m talking about the one that you are supposed to put on yourself first, before trying to save others! As a healthcare provider, an entrepreneur, a friend, a daughter, a significant other, and a mother, I know what it means to be last on a long list of things to take care of. It often means fatigue, pain, poor immune health, extra weight, looking haggard, poor sleep, difficulty breathing, and feeling disconnected from yourself and the ones you love. It means you are not doing the most important thing you should be doing in an emergency situation (which seems all to frequent these days) and that is to mask yourself first! I’m not talking about external masking, I’m talking about true protection that comes from prioritizing your self-care, paying attention to your healthcare, and synergizing the two to raise your vibration and to find your fantastic!
Synergy Definition: A combination of parts that work better together than they do alone.(Kuhntastic Health Synergy Wheel created by Denise Kuhn)
Synergy Definition: A combination of parts that work better together than they do alone
(Kuhntastic Health Synergy Wheel created by Denise Kuhn)

At Kuhntastic Health

We provide a Synergistic approach to health and wellness coaching

“Each breath is like a little rebirth, a renaissance that can only be celebrated if we recognize it’s happening.”

Cristen Rogers

If I had a dollar for every time I heard: “Why are you teaching me this; I’ve been breathing all my life?”… I would still be broke. Although that comment sounds funny, many people are not aware of of how they breathe and how the breath affects their lives. As a matter of fact, scientific studies show that most people breathe inefficiently after the age of seven years old. This inefficiency results in a lack of mental clarity, physical stability, emotional balance, and poor overall health. Incorporating the art of proper breathing into any wellness program can enhance outcomes and improve health on all levels- cellular, immune, physical, emotional, and connection.

” Movement is medicine for creating change in physical, emotional, and mental states”.

Carol Welsch

I’ll bet If you had a dollar for every time someone told you to exercise, you would be rich! Unfortunately, I cannot afford to contribute to your bank account, but I can say that proper movement facilitates our ability to access our environment and achieve our goals. If done correctly, it also facilitates improvements in mental health, stress control, sleep, and overall feelings of well-being. In a world of desk chairs, lack of time, and constant stress, people slowly lose control of the physical abilities they need to stay connected with the people they love, that activities they enjoy, and the dreams they wish to achieve.

“You are what you eat!”

Momma Said

Although our mothers were very insightful about the eating well, I now know it is more accurate to say, “you are what you absorb”. The truth is that proper nutrition contributes to our cellular health, nourishing us from the inside out. Unfortunately, dietary outcomes are not a “one- size- fits -all” proposition. Aside from a few fundamental truths, dietary success depends on each person’s cellular make up, or bio-individuality. With proper and diligent dietary detective work, individualized nutritional decisions can result in unprecedented gains in cellular health, energy, vitality, weight loss, mental clarity, strength, and vibrational frequency!

“The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease”


The only thing that matches the wit of Voltaire’s statement, is its truth. When we look back at centuries of generational medicine, we see that effective interventions were obtained from what mother nature supplied. Even now, many medicines are formulated by mimicking compounds found in nature. Unfortunately, our bodies do not recognize the artificial chemical constituencies, often resulting in side effects and excessive toxic load that builds up in our organs, our fat, our glands, and our brain. By using natural solutions and reducing reliance on synthetic substances, we can reduce toxic load and provide the body the ingredients it needs to cleanse, restore, and heal itself.

“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I’M POSSIBLE”

Audrey Hepburn

Despite hearing negative voices quite frequently (take that any way you like it), my late mother adored Audrey Hepburn for her forward thinking, her grit, her vulnerability, and her tenacity. In a world where “no” is frequently the first word we hear and where comparison is king, we often start believing that we are not worthy, and our dreams are not possible. Our mindset becomes tainted and dimmed by the negative memories of our past and the loud voices that engulf us on a daily basis. With proper management and attention, it is possible for one to emerge from the grips of the self-defeating beliefs and the negative voices and to find their true fantastic!

Signs that indicate you may need a Synergy Session:

  • Fatigue
  • Brain-Fog
  • Abdominal Fat
  • Poor Exercise Tolerance
  • Irritability
  • Digestive Discomfort
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Frequent Malaise
  • Mood Fluctuations
  • Cravings
  • General Dissatisfaction
  • Poor Skin Quality
  • Excessive Sitting
  • Postural Dysfunction
  • Pain
  • Difficulty breathing

Synergy Sessions

Synergy sessions include an initial interview to determine what approach will work best for each person. We provide individual health coaching, group health coaching, nutrition classes, breathwork classes, exercise classes, essential oil classes, and online education.

Masai Mara, Africa, Nov. 2019

15 Simple Hacks to Boost Your Health

The world is full of hacks these days. Work efficiency hacks. Relationship hacks. Dog grooming hacks. Fitness hacks.

And of course, health hacks, which may be the most important of all. After all, everything actually revolves around your health.

Your health is rarely impacted by a single event. It’s the little things each day that maintains or destroy your health. Boost your health with these simple tips:

There are simple things you can do each day to enhance your health. It’s important to recognize just how important your health is. There are plenty of examples in the news every single day of people that are suffering from illness.

While you can’t avoid every injury and sickness, there are many things you can do to put the odds in your favor. A little self-care for your health each day adds up to a lot of health benefits.

The human body wasn’t designed to deal with a constant stream of calories. Our ancient ancestors certainly didn’t have the luxury of three meals a day, plus snacks! An 8-hour eating window each day is plenty, and many experts advocate significantly less than that for adults.

You can get a great workout at home without any equipment. If you can’t even do a single push-up, stand at the bottom of the stairs and place your hand on an appropriate step. If you’re really out of shape, lie flat on your back on your floor and stand back up. Repeat. Repeat.

Dark chocolate is delicious and has numerous health benefits. It can be a great way to finish your evening meal or as a special treat.

Studies show that using a smaller plate leads to eating less. If you wish to cut calories, this is an easy trick that works, as long as you don’t go back for seconds or thirds because the plate is smaller.

Hot showers feel good, but there’s not much else you can say about them. However, a cold shower has many benefits. Lower stress levels, better immune response, increased tolerance to pain, and weight loss can all be yours for a few minutes of misery each day.

Give yourself a break each hour and move around for at least 5-10 minutes. It’s good for you, and you’ll get more work done by taking regular breaks.

Spend some time each day working your brain. For example, learn something new, play chess, do a crossword puzzle, or learn a foreign language.

Laughing is good for your mind and your body. Stream a funny movie, read some jokes, or talk to a funny friend.

While you’re watching that
funny movie, get on the floor and do some stretches. You’ll feel better and make yourself more resistant to injury.

You can’t be healthy if you’re not getting enough sleep. Experts recommend 7-8 hours each night.

Most vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals and low in calories. High levels of nutrition with minimal calories will boost your health and reduce your
waistline. It’s hard to overeat if you’re eating a lot of vegetables.

Fruit is nutritious, but most fruits are also high in sugar. Use fruit as a way to finish your meal and avoid less healthy dessert options.

By the end of the day, you’ve
already spent plenty of time looking at computers, TV, and
smartphone screens. Give your brain a break, and you’ll sleep better.

A journal can reduce stress and boost mental health. Writing in a journal can be a great way to end your day.

Both have been shown to provide a ton of health benefits.

Here Are Some of Our Products

Blood Flow resistance training (BFR) - B#3 bands

Essential oil Education - Doterra

Affilitate Compainies

Coupon code: KUHNTASTIC
(to receive15% off order)

Everlywell logo
Specific Functional movement Assessment logo

Coupon code: DENISEKUHN
(for 10% off first order)

“We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience; We are spiritual beings having a physical experience.”

Pierre Teilhard Chardin

