
Five Simple Stress Squelching Strategies

Five Simple Stress Squelching Strategies

A duck and her babies swimming in a pond. Simple stress squelching strategies can help manage your thoughts during difficult times.
Simple stress squelching strategies can help manage your thoughts during difficult times.

How high are your stress levels? Is your hectic work life causing you to burn out? Are your friends always relying on you to pull them out of their jams? Do you have too little time with too many things to complete? If you are consistently seeking peace and relief from the demands of your busy
life, the good news is that there are some simple stress squelching strategies you can use to help manage these feelings.

Stress is impossible to eliminate entirely. A life without some stress would be a little bit boring.
The challenges in life can offer the best lessons, motivations, and opportunities for change. Employing a few simple strategies to reduce stress will increase your peace and happiness, even in the midst of life’s biggest storms.


Working out is the first of five simple stress squelching strategies

Jogging, pumping iron, practicing yoga, or hitting a punching bag for several minutes, are physical activities that allow you to channel the stress and frustration you’re holding inside. You can use exercise to release negative feelings in a constructive manner.


Aroma is the second of five simple stress squelching strategies.

The sense of smell is directly connected to our “animal brain”. Just one inhale of an aroma will interrupt a thought immediately. Having essential oils on hand at all times is an amazing way to manage stress and negative emotion.

 Picture of Lavender. Aroma is an amazing a stress squelching strategy.
Aroma is an amazing a stress squelching strategy.


Music is the third of five simple stress squelching strategies.

Sometimes, all it takes to gain peace and focus is listening to few minutes of music that eases your mind and soothes your soul. Each of us are bio-individual, different types of music us in different ways. Picking a style of music that suits your emotional need at the moment can dramatically lower the level of stress you feel inside.

If feeling stressed, try listening to soothing music. If feeling sad, listen to happy songs that make you smile. When chosen wisely few things other than aroma can combat a negative mood as quickly and effectively music can.


Nutrition is the fourth of five simple stress squelching strategies.

If your body isn’t getting proper nutrition, you are more likely to feel tired and stressed out. Meals and snacks are fuel for your body. Good fuel means good results. Are you eating food that contributes positively or negatively to your health?

Keep track of what you eat and drink in a daily log. This simple step will make you more aware of
the calories and nutrients you are consuming. Being aware of your intake often leads to making healthier choices, like these:

• Drink as much water as possible.
• Add as many fruits and vegetables as you can to your diet.
• Look for tasty, healthier alternatives to junk food.
• Eat smaller, more frequent meals.

Small changes in your diet can make a big difference in how you feel, how you act, and how effectively
you can handle stress.


Breathing is the fifth of five simple stress squelching strategies.

If you learn to control your breathing, you can control the level of stress you feel. Proper breathing takes practice. Fortunately, a little effort goes a long way. With learning to take slow, deep breaths from your belly, you’ll have an unstoppable weapon against stress.

Breathing plays a big part in our lives. It necessary for our basic biological existence. It is also important to exercising, maintaining focused thoughts, giving birth, easing fears, and relieving stress.

Deep breathing slows your heart rate, decreases your blood pressure, maintains PH, and relaxes your muscles. It calms you down mentally. Shallow, chest breaths stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, which creates feelings of anxiety. Deep breaths fuel your body’s cells with much-needed oxygen and your mind with much-needed confidence in the midst of the challenges you face. http://Practice Feeling Relaxed in Stressful Situations


With these five simple stress squelching strategies, you can learn to practice peace wherever you are.
By using exercise, aroma, music, nutrition, and breathing in the midst of your storms, you’ll stand strong and handle challenges more effectively. Applying these simple stress management strategies today, can help you experience the confidence and inner peace you deserve.

