
Random Acts of Kindness Boost Well-Being

Random Acts of Kindness

In 1982, a wonderful woman named Anne Herbert incited others to be kind with her words: “practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty”. She must have known that random acts of kindness boost well-being. Now there are placemats, web sites, foundations and videos about random acts of kindness. But what is a “random act of kindness”? These senseless acts are inconsistent, spontaneous actions designed to offer kindness towards the outside world. The outside world includes friends, family, groups, total strangers, and animals alike.

Examples of Kind Acts

  • Hold a door open for the person behind you
  • Pay for the car behind you in the drive-through
  • Offer to let someone go in front of you at the grocery store
  • Offer a neck massage to a stressed friend
  • Bake cookies for the entire office
  • Help a person in need pay a bill
  • Offer to cook or clean for a sick neighbor
  • Randomly clean the trash out of your neighbor’s yard, or anywhere you see it rolling around
  • Suprise your friends with a yard sign
  • Leave an exceptionally big tip for your favorite server, or any server
  • Write an excellent review
  • Play games with the neighbor kids so their mom can have some quiet time
  • Sit and talk with an elder-you may receive more than you give
  • Give an essential oil massage (aroma touch)
Picture of a young man holding the hand of a happy elderly woman.  time talking to elderly can be a random act of kindness that boosts well-being
Spending time talking to the elderly can be a random act of kindness that boosts well-being.

Kindness and Well-Being

Well-being has no singular definition. However, it is generally considered a state of satisfaction. One that includes the presence of positive emotions, positive feelings, and fulfillment.

Random acts of kindness improve physiological well-being by causing the brain to release “happy hormones”. A few of these hormones include:

In a nutshell, the release of these hormones improves health for the recipient and the philanthropist, alike. These effects include feelings of greater:

  • love
  • awe
  • self-esteem
  • energy
  • calm
  • happiness
  • self-worth
  • security
  • relationship satisfaction
  • overall health
Girl rubbing doERRA deep blue on the back of a tour guide: This random act of kindness boosted my well-being as is evident by my big, cheesy smile!
This random act of kindness boosted my well-being as is evident by my big, cheesy smile!

My Experience with Random Acts of Kindness

A few days ago, I offered the person behind me to go before me at the checkout stand. My random act of kindness was immediately and unexpectedly topped by his gift of a fresh, crisp $100 dollar bill to cover the cost of my groceries. After bagging and loading my groceries, and then processing my thoughts, I realized the checker needed recognition for her crucial participation in this “random act of kindness collaboration”. She could have easily pocketed the money, but she did not. She allowed the ripple of kindness to resonate.

In light of the checkers honesty and honor, I returned the cart appropriately and went back into the store. Her actions inspired me to appreciate her with some true, but kind words and a little monetary gift. I am hoping that the ripple of kindness continues to exponentiate to a multitude of other people in need for a boost of Oxytocin.

 Picture of American Flag: My grocery store Random Act of Kindness Collaboration inspired this 4th of July Quote
My grocery store Random Act of Kindness Collaboration inspired this 4th of July Quote.

Practicing Random Acts of Kindness

As an author, a health coach, and a lover of kindness, I challenge you to indulge yourself with one random act of kindness this week. Please return to this post and share your experience! I cannot wait to see your ideas and hear your results! Until then-I hope you continue the journey to finding your fantastic!

