
Love Yourself More!

On this day of the year, you may  spend a great deal of time and money demonstrating your  love to others.  As a giving romantic, you may purchase gifts or write poetry to express how much you care for your loved ones.  Although this is a fantastic attitude, you must also learn to love yourself more deeply. If you listen to Justin Bieber, the recommendation to “Love Yourself” may sound like an insult. Fortunately, I am not referring to the singer’s idea of “Love Yourself”. In all  actuality, I  am sure that my mamma would probably like you a lot.  She really does like everybody!

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Yes, It’s true that Valentine’s day is a great opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate the ones you love. However, it is also true that you can only give love  freely if you are able to truly appreciate yourself and your gifts!  As a result,  I am suggesting that you learn to love yourself in the Savage Garden sort of way: “Truly, Madly, Deeply.”  Simply stated, with a deep sense of true self-love and self- acceptance,  you  can stand alone knowing ” the comfort and protection of the highest powers.”  With that level of independence, you are free to give and receive love,  to achieve your goals,  and to make a difference in the world!

When looking at successful people, it is important to notice the types of things they say to themselves as they work their way to the top. One of my favorite examples is Mohammad Ali. Perhaps he is not the most romantic example of success on this February 14th, but he spoke very highly of himself, to himself and to every one else! Do you think he would have attained his dream of being the best in the world if he went around telling himself, ” I am the worst boxer on the planet. I float like a ton of bricks”? Never. Instead he uttered only outrageously  positive things. Once he  was quoted as saying,  “I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was!”

There are countless other examples of people and quotes that exemplify the importance of self-love. Perhaps, Mac Davis had it right when he sang: “Oh lord it’s hard to be humble when you are perfect in every way”! In any case, If you cannot  convince yourself that self-love is something you can immediately accomplish, try watching Ann Cuddy’s “Your posture shapes who you are” on TED Talks. In it she  states, “Fake it until you become it!’

