
Wellness Wisdom is More Than Success or Failure

What is Wellness Wisdom More?

Setting goals for more than success or failure
Wellness Wisdom More is “more” than success or failure.

Why more?  

Wellness wisdom is “more” because, as humans, we are not perfect. On some days we soar past our goals, while on others, we struggle to avoid pitfalls every time we turn around.

Some weeks we hit every benchmark we set for ourselves. But the next, for whatever unknown reason, we take ten steps back. I add the more as a reminder that if we try just a little more than we did the day before, we will continually move forward toward any goal we set for ourselves. The great thing is that this philosophy applies to everyone!

MORE, even a little more, than an hour ago, than yesterday, than last week, can apply to the novice or to the expert. No matter your level or goal, if you try a little more, you can continually take it up a notch.  Additionally, neither success nor failure can define the outcome of “More”.  

More is, quite simply, trying, expanding, forgiving, and smiling more, or just being more than you were the moment before.  As these moments link together, happiness and success are inevitable.

To Inspire You

Wellness Wisdom More is focused on words, phrases, or stories that provide inspiration for others to be more. I find it is in these shared ideas and experiences that people find a common thread of solace, humanity, and forgiveness. They can explore a place of comfort and love that can heal even the deepest wounds.

To Help You Find Inner and Outer Strength

You can find your inner and outer strength by following the right wellness plan for you. Using my knowledge, education, and a lifetime of fitness experience, Wellness Wisdom More is purposed to inspire and help you to find that inner and outer strength. My experiences range from being a scholarship collegiate athlete to rehabilitating from a surgery that left me supine for the greater part of six months.

I can relate to the height of success and to the fall that often leaves one dark, and lonely. It is in this experience that evolution happens.  Fortunately, this evolution has taught me to be open to new techniques and experiences that introduced me to Foundation Training. This type of training can transform the body from pain to performance. I’m so excited to be sharing this fantastic tool.

Benefits of Nutrition

If I can share my new found love and respect for the benefits of nutrition, I will be the happiest person on the earth! For so many years, I missed this piece of the equation. Don’t get me wrong, I knew vegetables were good for you and that sugar was not so good for you. I did not get the idea, however, that each person responds differently to food.  

eating vegetables as preventative medicine
Nutritious Vegetables

As my mentor, Joshua Rosenthal, founder of The Institute for Integrative Nutrition says: “One man’s food is another man’s poison”.  There is no “one size fits all” diet. It is my goal to assist people in finding the path that works best for them.

Natural Health

How do you begin a proactive health care plan? Learn about natural health. A growing respect for natural health, especially in the form of essential oils, has shown me the need people have for guidance from reactive health care to proactive health care. Being in the medical field for over 25 years, I have witnessed:

  • “dis-ease” that stems from a lack of awareness
  • a lack of self-reliance
  • a lack of respect for what the earth has to offer
  • a lack of listening to what is happening within the boundaries of self

Again, do not get me wrong, I love our doctors; they are brilliant and save lives every day. However, we cannot continue burdening our medical system with illnesses that can be totally prevented through the use of healthy foods, exercise,  and natural medicine.  As Hippocrates said: “Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”!


Finally (I must say, this is my personal weakness), if I can share benefits of “self-care”, I would be ecstatic. In our hectic world, with time being so short and the list of demands being so long, we often neglect ourselves. But, without a healthy self, how can we continue to give to those who depend on us? How can we continue making withdrawals from an account that has long been bankrupt? It is often easy to find a salad, to find a way to walk a few extra steps (Poke-mon GO)…

Pokemon GO Houston
Pokemon GO Downtown Houston

or to throw oil on a rash, but it is often seemingly impossible to find a way to nurture one’s inner and outer self. Nurturing self is lost in our hustle and bustle society. We no longer have time to meditate, breathe, massage, or just lounge in an effort to rejuvenate all that makes us who we are. Hopefully, in sharing the art of self-care, I can find a place where I, myself, am taking care of me as well as I take care of all those around me.

In conclusion, Wellness Wisdom More is a place where I want to share my life experiences and three things they have taught me:

  1. my education as a health coach
  2. my education as a therapist and Foundations training instructor
  3. my love for proactive health care and self-care

I hope you enjoy my thoughts, ideas, and insights as we grow together on this wellness journey.

