
Secrets to finding Serenity in Your own Backyard

During the summer, we often think about getting outdoors more. Unfortunately, we often have trouble
following through. This lack of motivation may be caused by a busy schedule, a long drive, or a lack of funds. Fortunately, there are a few secrets to finding serenity in your own backyard! So, if you feel overworked and stressed, it is still possible to find your inner peace without leaving your backyard.

Windchime angel: the sound soothes the soul
Wind chime angel: the image is calming, and the sound soothes the soul.

Head out back and breathe

It is as simple as taking a deep breath. Just step out the back door, find your favorite perch, close your mouth and inhale. Then, exhale. Repeat. Mask with the Molecule of the Year (1992) You’ll recapture your sense of calm when you spend some time with the sun on your face and the wind at your back.

Dogs just know how to breathe. Small dog enjoying the sun on his face and the wind on his back.
Dogs just know how to breath with the sun of their face and the wind on their back.

Tips to Follow

  • Be comfortable. Dress comfortably. Cover up with a blanket if it is cold. Avoid wearing shoes-let your feet connect with the earth.
  • Avoid distractions. If you take your cell phone outside, turn it on silent mode to avoid being alarmed by its ringtone. For now, you plan to exchange your own world for that your breath and the outdoors has to offer.
  • Forget about the noise going on in your head. Allow the stressful thoughts to exit on your exhale. Just let go of all the pressures. You’re in one of your favorite places now. No worries exist in the serenity of your own backyard!
  • Listen to the sounds that surround you. Connect with the leaves rustling in the wind or the singing birds. Try to hear as many different sounds as possible.

Head out back and play in the dirt

Sometimes the secret to finding serenity in your own back yard is as easy as playing in the dirt.

Hand holding radish sprout with planter in background. "Playing in the dirt is one of the secrets to finding serenity in your own backyard
Playing in the dirt is one of the secrets to finding serenity in your own backyard. Radish sprout pictured here.

Tips to follow (green thumb, or not)

  • Focus on visual cues to relax. Leave your world behind. Look around and notice the green around you. Look for the dirt patches. Find the tiny ants crawling on a log, the lounging lizards, or the intricate spider webs glistening in the sun.
  • Steep yourself in the smells of your surroundings. What is that fragrance? The hint of a Rose? The woodsy fragrance of a tree? Breathe in and breathe out consciously. Identify as many smells as you can.
  • The tactile sensations come next. Is there a dandelion you can use to tickle your arm? Can you feel the grain of course soil between your fingertips? Are you able to feel the dewy grass under your feet? In addition to experiencing the sights, sounds and smells of the outdoors, physically coming into contact with nature is an important part of finding serenity in your own backyard.
  • Be aware of what the air feels like. Maybe the sun is shining directly on your skin. Or perhaps you’re under a tree where it’s cool and breezy. Move around to discover as many different places of serenity as possible in your own backyard. You may find different areas you enjoy at different times of the day. When you find an area you like, decorate it with items that soothe you.
Large, fuzzy dandilion: "Experience a tactile sensation in nature by using a dandelion to tickle your arm.
Experience a tactile sensation in nature by using a dandelion to tickle your arm.

Mindset is Key

Although life can be overwhelming, we can use nature as a reprieve. We can choose to focus on the negative constantly, or we can allow the energy of nature to give us a break, if only for a moment. Even the smallest piece of nature can make a big difference, if you put your mind in the right place.

A small, decorated back yard area: Decorate the areas you like with items that soothe you, to discover the secrets to finding serenity in your own backyard.
Decorate the areas you like with items that soothe you, to discover the secrets to finding serenity in your own backyard.

Tips for Optimal Mind-set

  • Think about gratitude. What are you grateful for in your life? Focus on the simple things. “I love feeling the sun on my face in my backyard.” “I’m grateful for the sunset I see each evening from my kitchen window.” “I’m grateful for having eyes to see and hands that work for me.”
  • Reflect on your accomplishments. Toward the end of your backyard serenity session, give yourself a pat on the back for a difficult situation you’ve survived recently.
  • Enjoy the peace. Realize that right at this moment, you feel a sense of calm, peacefulness, and serenity that you can return to any time you want, because it is in your own backyard!
  • Use essential oils to increase focus or to curb seasonal irritations.
Bottles of Breathe essential oil. Breathe essential oil curbs irritation from seasonal threats.
Use Breathe essential oil to curb irritation from seasonal threats.

In Conclusion

To experience nature, you do not need to leave the safety of your own back yard. Simply, immerse yourself in the experiences of your immediate surroundings. Allow yourself to be keenly aware of the sights, sounds, smells, and atmosphere around you. No matter how big or small your favorite backyard spots are, visit them regularly to return to what’s most important: You!

